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Uganda's Digital Transformation Roadmap Unpacked: A Path to Progress and Potential Pitfalls.

Introduction In an era where technology reigns supreme, Uganda has recognized the immense potential of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector as a catalyst for social and economic growth. The country's ICT sector is booming, contributing a significant 9% to Uganda's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and growing at an impressive average rate of 14.8%. This growth is no accident; it's the result of strategic policy decisions and investments in infrastructure, internet penetration, and e-services. Now, Uganda is charting a bold course towards the future with its Digital Transformation Roadmap, aimed at leveraging technology to improve the lives of its citizens and enhance its global competitiveness. What Does This Mean To an everyday person? At its core, Uganda's Digital Transformation Roadmap is about making life better for all Ugandans by embracing technology.  It means easier access to services online, like government services or healthcare, no matter wher

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